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Community groups join fight against COVID, Mar 2022

Côte d’Ivoire: Two CSO pilot campaigns lead to over 500 vaccinations

UK Gov representative Rishma Maini observes CSO pilot, supporting COVID vaccine roll out

The Ivorian government is engaging civil society organizations (CSOs) in the COVID-19 response, with support from TDDA. During Jan/Feb 2022, two CSO pilot projects carried out important community outreach work, raising public awareness of the risks from the pandemic and helping to overcome vaccine hesitancy.

  • Filière Bétail Viande is an animal health organization, working in the livestock sector. They ran a sensitization campaign on COVID-19 which targeted breeder families. Following this community dialogue, a vaccination unit was mobilized and 230 people got vaccinated that day. This initiative showcases how the One Health approach works in practice, being an excellent example of human and animal health sector collaboration.

  • Biblical Group of Hospitals is a civil society organization (CSO), which works in human health. They too ran a campaign in support of the national COVID vaccine roll out. By reaching out to a local school health club, 205 students (18+) agreed to be vaccinated. BGH also raised awareness by targeting people at garages and bus stations, resulting in a further 69 vaccinations.

These pilot campaigns follow TDDA’s earlier initiative to build the capacities of human, animal and environmental health-related CSOs. This work was delivered in partnership with the Ivorian Director General of Health of the Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage.

These initiatives show how support from trusted and well-trained CSOs can lead to a greater awareness of health risks and a significant increase in life-saving vaccine uptake. They also help demonstrate the potential for CSOs to contribute to other government health security work in the future.

On the ground with our CSO partner, reaching out to livestock farmers
TDDA/ FCDO team join community outreach campaign, raising COVID awareness


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