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CSOs reach out to vulnerable communities, and more (Jul 2022)

Cameroon highlights from April to June 2022

Our team in Cameroon continued to support important progress in health security strengthening this quarter, with additional impetus given to our work by a visit in May by the FCDO and TDDA leadership team. This progress comes against a backdrop of significant challenges in the country, including social unrest exacerbated by food shortages and price rises resulting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as health crises including a cholera outbreak.

April – June 2022 highlights:

Reaching out to vulnerable communities to build understanding of health risks

We are currently providing technical and financial assistance to three civil society organizations (CSOs), previously trained by TDDA. Our support makes it possible for them to conduct community awareness-raising activities among vulnerable populations - including people in insecure and hard-to-reach areas, disabled people and women - under the leadership of the government’s zoonosis program. This work is alerting communities to threats such as rabies and antimicrobial resistance, and promotes the importance of COVID-19 vaccination. TDDA is providing monthly financial input to the selected CSOs to deliver and implement these life-saving outreach activities, in tandem with government.

Building support for civil society as a health security actor

TDDA has continued to support and advocate for embedding the CSO network TDDA helped to create (ROOHCAM) into national institutional processes. This is leading to visible results in terms of their inclusion in formal meetings. We are pleased to have received assurances of future support by relevant stakeholders, which will ensure the network’s important work can continue after TDDA’s close at the end of November 2022. Read more

Spreading the One Health message

A One Health approach strengthens coordination between the numerous agencies responsible for human, animal and environmental health, recognizing their interdependence. We have been helping to pave the way for multi-sector collaboration on One Health to continue after TDDA’s exit by supporting the National One Health Platform to produce its first bilingual quarterly newsletter, with contributions from key multi-sector stakeholders, published in April.

Waste management and its link with health

TDDA assisted the Ministry of Environment to develop harmonised Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for managing hazardous waste during a health emergency. This came about after we recognized the need for procedures to deal with COVID-19 waste, such as used gloves, masks and test kits. Without careful management, these items were biohazards that could endanger human and animal health as well as the environment. This work is the perfect illustration of what One Health means in practice, bringing together human and environmental health in a tangible way. Read more

TDDA’s work in Cameroon is delivered by Centre Pasteur du Cameroun, in partnership with

the Ministry of Public Health and the Fondation Mérieux USA


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